Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fort Rodd , Fisgard Light House Rotary Wine Festival

Blake carving

sitting in the shade

Wine talk

 I participated as one of the vendors at the Wine festival at Ford Rodd today. It was a scorcher!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Empress Hotel Lawn Sunday

Scene in front of the Empress

I've been participating in the Sunday paint out on the Empress lawn. Here's a scene from last Sunday. It was so windy and cold. The two ladies in big hats are artists. I love the little dog. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wild Child of the Beach, Ogden Point

Okay, these drawings are rough. But this little girl was all over the place. I think she was really enjoying my sketching her. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fisherman's Warf

Sharing a sunday

Out with Nana
I spent the day painting at Fisherman's Warf. There are lots of cool float homes and stuff to paint there, but I was most inspired with the families.

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Day at the Beach

Grace the Parrotlet and her lady
Little Miss Pigtails gathering driftwood

I love sketching people at the beach. Well I enjoy sketching people anywhere, but today I went to the beach in search of inspiration. Here's a couple of sketches from today.
The lady with the bluebird enjoys taking her 4 year old parrotlet Grace for walks.  Grace sure seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting from curious people. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yippy, Cartwheels

Watercolour on paper, 6x8". I saw this kid cartwheeling in front of the parliament building on Canada Day.  Great subject!
Available for $30. Includes shipping. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Open Mic James Bay Coffee and Books

Here's some scenes from Open Mic at James Bay Cafe and Books last night. It's one of my favourite outings. It's amazing how talented these people are. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Beach Kids,

I like this and I'll do a painting from it.

This too.

I passed over this sketch because none of the kids are interacting together. (lonely)

This is how I start a compositional sketch. Just general shapes.

Same sketch as above adding details then colour below.

I decided on this composition. The kids are interacting and has a cosy feel.

Final Painting (sold)


Here's another sketch from yesterday. These tourists looked so tired.  I just had to capture their expressions. I intentionally left out most of the colour as it makes for a no energy feel to the sketches. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pride Parade

A quick sketch of people watching the pride parade from the Empress lawn


I did this before and after sketch today on the front lawn of the Empress. I thought this couple looked like honeymooners. Turns out they celebrate their big wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Here's a pic of them.

Lunds Auction, wc/paper, 6x12"

Here's a scene from Lunds Auction last week.  Watercolour and pen on paper. $20

Wednesday, July 2, 2014