Saturday, December 6, 2014

Waiting Room Scenes

In the waiting room sketch before colour.

Wriggly kid
 Here's a couple of sketches I did in a waiting room recently. The kid was so wriggly squiggly. And his mom was too. So I just sketched as they moved. I heard Picasso's work started out that way.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Copying Masters Works

Sometimes I see a masters work that I love and must copy. In my opinion copying great paintings is a learning experience that improves my own sense of design. Here are some of my copies of Masters works I've done in the past few years. Some I did on my own while others I did at Paul Peregal's Masters Class at the Victoria College of Art (Also known as the Bank Street School).  I highly recommend this course and the Bank Street School overall. If you study art there you will leave with great drawing and painting skills. They also have an illustration and animation program. (I would really like to do animation). When I studied there I felt like I had entered an Ashram of Art Creation. If you haven't been there do check it out. Even the building is wonderful. It's a very old school with 15 foot ceilings and windows. In the winter they cover the windows with bubble wrap to keep the heat in. This makes it feel rather like an aquarium.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Oil Change

View from my car when I got my oil change.
Here's a sketch I did from inside my car at my last oil change at Jiffy on Douglas). Having my car serviced is a very stressful event for me because I don't have a mechanic I know and trust yet. I had Glen from the Esso on Menzies Street a few years ago but he's gone and I can't find where he moved. (It just occurred to me that I could hire a private investigator to find him. Would that be weird?)

I bought this amazing 2004 Pontiac Sunfire a few years ago. It was a private sale and it had less than 25000km. It has $50000km now. I want it always to be reliable and to last forever. (Yep, I'm gonna be driving this in the vintage car parade when I'm 105). So I go through the manual and look for the manufacturer recommended service. Then I do a lot of online research. Then I ask everybody I know what they think. I journal a lot about it and even meditate on the whole thing. Then I go to a place like Jiffy and spend like 3 times more than I should. I just don't want to skimp and regret it.

What about tires? Mine look like new and they always check them when I go for an oil change. Of course they're not worn down at all because I only have 50000clicks on them. But do tires have a "best before" date regardless of their use. I mean they're rubber? Doesn't rubber dry out and begin to crumble in time even without use.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Critique

Here are some sketches I did at a critique yesterday. The critiqued was very expressive with her hand gestures. Fun.
The Critique

Friday, November 14, 2014

Christmas Parade sketch

Here's a sketch I did at a Santa parade a few years ago. I'm feeling the Christmas Spirit and am considering turning it into a painting. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wild Clematis, 15x22, watercolour

I discovered these wonderful wild flowers by the edge of a mountain stream in the East Kootenays. It was such a magical place with dappled shade and a family of deer resting nearby while I sketched these flowers. I really felt the spirit of the woods that day.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Bachelor Buttons

I love painting flowers in jars. The jar often turns out better than the rest just because I actually have to suspend my own ideas and paint what I actually see. I paint all my flowers from life.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Botanical Watercolour

Here's a botanical painting I did in PEI. I don't know what plant it is (lady's slipper?). Please lead a comment if you can identify. My little forest was abundant with these. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wild Iris

These beautiful irises grow wild by a tidal pond in Prince Edward Island. I painted it while sitting in a kayak in East Point.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Red Maple Leaf Botanical

I love gathering autumn leaves, pine cones, chestnuts, etc. Autumn is an amazing time of year. Suddenly the sky turns silver and the ground becomes a mosaic of gold, copper, reds, yellows, and all earthy ochres. If I take a stroll under the trees I come out with great bunches of colourful leaves, and other  such paintable treasures. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

After Dinner

I just love to sketch. Here's a little pen and wash I did after a lovely dinner at a friend's. It's very rough but I believe the sketch captures the mood of the moment.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Cadmium Red in a Jar of Water

My pricy tube of cadmium red broke and was oxidizing. I squeezed it into a jar of water and keep it in a cool dark place (the fridge). When I need some cad red I scoop it our with a knife and add a little linseed oil. It's regular oil paint, not the water-soluble type,  so it never mixes with the water.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Beach Scenes

All Toes

I've just returned from a trip camping and visiting in the Kootenays. Here are some sketches I did on a great beach in Inveremere. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

What is this formation?

This formation? In this boulder at Holland Point in Victoria has puzzled me for a while. It looks to me like the giant fossil of a tree or giant squid. Does anyone know what it is?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Beacon Hill Park Play ParkOn Site

Play Park

Scene redone tidier
I like to do some warm up sketching before starting a serious painting. This morning I went out to paint at Beacon Hill Park and sketched a small scene at the children's play park. The top is the sketch I did there and then redid it at home thinking I would like the tidier version better. Hmmmmn.